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E.T.: The latest in anti-theft technology v2.0a.
E.T. is the phone home device which will, in the event of your pc being stolen, phone your telephone number every day, enabling you to dial 1471 and be told the number from which your computer phoned you. This will lead the police straight to your computer, meaning the recovery of your equipment and, more importantly, the recovery of the data on your hard drive. E.T. does rely on the thieves plugging your modem into a phone line, but it only takes one day of doing so for E.T. to work effectively. E.T. is relentless, trying to phone your number every single day, and the full version is silent so the theives will never know!.
It actually works by trying to dial the number every day from the day that it is installed. If your computer has not been stolen then the modem will dial itself, receive a busy tone and hang up. If the computer is stolen however, the number will ring as it is no longer being used by the modem. E.T. can be set to try dialing at any time of day, set by the user. The afternoon or early evening is thought to be best.
Area of use:
E.T. has been designed and built in Great Britain, and is therefore tested and known to work in this area. Should you wish to use E.T. in another area then all you need is a similar telephone service to the British 1471 service which will tell you the last telephone number to dial you. Without this service E.T. will be useless, so ensure that you have access to such a service before installing E.T.
From CDROM: run install.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.
To reconfigure or examine the details that you have entered (phone number etc.) simply click on the Register/configure... button on the startup screen. Alternatively, run the program c:\windows\etph20a.exe. If you have the full version then this is the only way to configure E.T. as there is no startup screen.
The shareware version is identical to the full version except for two differences: It is not silent when dialing and a splash screen is displayed when starting windows. This will allow you to examine the program without any financial commitment. If you are satisfied and wish to register then it couldn't be simpler. Simply send a cheque for ú19.00 (UK) made payable to Kestrel Software Systems Ltd to the following address:
Kestrel Software Systems Ltd
GF2 3 Saxe Coburg Terrace
You must include a copy of your unique serial number and a daytime telephone number or e-mail address (Internet or compuserve). The serial number can be found by examining the registration screen in the configuration.
The process of registration is very simple and does not involve reinstallation. You will be telephoned or emailed by Kestrel Software and told your activation key. This is a unique number, particular to your version of E.T., which is keyed into the registration screen of the configuration program. Once the correct number has been keyed in the program then becomes registered and will give all the advantages of the full registered program.
And Finally:
If you like E.T. then please feel free to redistribute to your friends and colleagues. Shareware programs can be beneficial to both authors and users, but often rely on word of mouth for publicity.